The pieces used in the assembly of new computers, upgrades or troubleshooting comes exclusively from the leading manufacturers in their fields of activity. The performance of a PC (which is assembled from about 15 parts) depends directly on its weakest or slowest part. That’s why we only use first-class suppliers.


This voluntary choice makes it possible to obtain working hours of more than 7 years (where the average is about 3 years). We have computers that still run comfortably and satisfactorily after 12 years (with an intermediate upgrade) with our customers. The higher initial investment is therefore largely caughtup in the life span.

Selected providers
High-Speed PC 8 cores, 4GHz, 16Gb RAM
Bi-Processor AMD Opteron Server in service since 12 years 24h/24 & 7d/7
PC upgrade after 9 years
High-End PC 8 Cores, 5GHz, 32Gb RAM, 4 screens
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